is essential for good digestive health, but it also has a number of other
known health benefits:
· Lowers cholesterol
and triglycerids. Fiber binds with bile acids that are made from
cholesterol and produced during digestion.
These acids are then
excreted helping to decrease cholesterol and triglycerides.
· Helps
with blood glucose control for diabetics. Fiber blunts the fast release of
glucose into the bloodstream. It doesn't raise
blood glucose or
increase insulin needs. It’s an important component of a diabetic’s good
blood glucose control by diet.
Decreases the incidence of colon
cancer and may decrease symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Fiber keeps things
moving through the
colon reducing exposure to potential carcinogens from foods and bacteria.
It acts like a sponge and absorbs water and other
chemicals known to
increase risk of colorectal cancer. According to the National Cancer
Institute, the risk of colorectal cancer is
lower among
populations that have a high-fiber diet.